Hi, I’m James Woosley, author of Conquer the Entrepreneur’s Kryptonite.
Thanks for visiting! I really enjoyed the interview with my friend Catalyst John and as I promised on the podcast, I want to share some tools to help you Conquer Your Kryptonite!
Join my newsletter to gain access to the following resources:
- Conquer the Entrepreneur’s Kryptonite: Part I – Preparing to Plan
Along with the book’s Introduction, you’ll be able to read the first three chapters where you’ll learn the value of building an effective foundation before you start the planning process and learn how to drive through either a lack of planning knowledge or previous failures.
- The Simple Strategic Plan (SSP) Template
Download the planning template itself–in PDF and Word versions–so you can begin building your plan right away.
- The Project Tool Spreadsheet and Video Tutorial
This powerful spreadsheet takes inputs from your 90 day plan and automatically builds out a weekly schedule and project guide, helping you stay on target and get more done!
- An Exclusive Audio Interview with Chuck Bowen (my mentor and creator of the SSP)
This is a very special audio recording of Chuck and I talking through the history and impact of the SSP. I think you’ll really enjoy it!
To get all of these bonuses, simply subscribe to my newsletter via the form below.
You’ll receive a link to download the Show Me the Money e-book I wrote with Chuck, and shortly thereafter I’ll send you a special message to download the extras listed above.
It’s Time to Step Into Your Greatness!